COMMON COURTESY – At Center Stage we spend countless hours in bringing you the nicest and cleanest studio possible. Please respect the property and its belongings.
MONTHLY TUITION POLICY – Tuition is due the 1st of each month. We accept cash, checks, credit card, debit card, and automatic withdrawal. All checks should be made payable to Center Stage. Please let us know if you would like to set your account up for automatic withdrawal. Tuition is the same amount each month regardless if it’s a 3 or 5 week month. Money is nonrefundable for missed lessons (for any reason). Account statements will not be sent out unless your account is overdue. After the 10th of the month a $5.00 late fee will be added to your account and a past due invoice will be mailed to you. There is a $25.00 charge on all returned checks. If your account falls behind more than 2 months, you will be asked to pay your balance or your child’s enrollment may be suspended/canceled.
INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY – If at any time it is necessary to cancel lessons due to bad weather (such as snow or ice), there will be a recorded message on the answering machine (after 2:30 P.M.). Because of limited human resources, it is not practical to call each and every parent.
PARENT OBSERVATION – Classes will be conducted with the doors closed; it is very disturbing to the students and the teacher when there is a lot of noise. Parents will be allowed to observe the first class, after that “watch weeks” will be posted on the bulletin board.
ATTENDANCE – Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class. It is important that your child attends dance class every week. Good attendance is imperative, as absences and tardiness affects the entire class and the studio cannot jeopardize its responsibilities to the rest of the class (for one student). If a student misses too many classes, he/she may fall behind the rest of the class and may be asked not to perform in the recital. A “Perfect Attendance” award will be given to those students who do not miss a single lesson all year.
STUDIO BULLETIN BOARD – A bulletin board is available with announcements for you to view and read. You will also be emailed with important information. Please take the time to read this information as to keep informed of studio happenings and announcements.
WAITING ROOM RULES – (1) Students must wait inside the building to be picked up. (2) Please try to keep the waiting area as quiet and clean as possible. (3) Students are not permitted to enter the dance room until the teacher opens the door and lets them in. (4) Please do not interrupt the teacher while class is in session. (5) Running and loud talking is not permitted in the halls or waiting rooms. (6) We are not responsible for unsupervised children.
CLASSROOM RULES – (1) Students are not permitted to chew gum in class. (2) All students must be in proper dress code while attending class. (3) Appropriate shoes must also be worn to all classes. (4) Children should not hang on the ballet barres or bang on the dance room mirrors. (5) There is absolutely no running in the classroom. (6) All students must use the restroom before they enter class.
HEALTH – You are the best judge of your child’s health and we trust you will not bring a sick child to the studio. However, if in the opinion of the teaching staff your child is sick, we will call you to come and pick-up your child.
DISCARD POLICY – The studio reserves the right to cancel the enrollment of a child for the following reasons: (1) Non-payment or excessive late payments of fees. (2) Not observing the rules of the studio. (3) Child has special needs which we cannot adequately meet with our current staffing patterns. (4) Physical and/or verbal abuse of staff or children (by a parent or child).